
Instalar MySQL Workbench en Fedora 39

Descargar MySQL Workbench para Fedora Linux:

URL: https://downloads.mysql.com/archives/workbench

Ejecuta en la terminal

sudo rpm -i mysql-workbench-community-8.0.38-1.fc39.x86_64.rpm

Sin embargo, te solicitará instalar algunos paquetes que son dependencias:

  • gtk2
  • libodbc
  • libproj

Instalar paquete gtk:

sudo dnf install gtk2
Fedora 39 - x86_64 - Updates                                            27 kB/s |  30 kB     00:01    
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:01 ago on Sat 21 Dec 2024 08:13:04 PM EST.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                           Architecture     Version                    Repository         Size
 gtk2                              x86_64           2.24.33-15.fc39            fedora            3.3 M
Installing dependencies:
 highcontrast-icon-theme           noarch           3.28-17.fc39               fedora            3.2 M
 ibus-gtk2                         x86_64           1.5.29-1.fc39              updates            30 k
Installing weak dependencies:
 adwaita-gtk2-theme                x86_64           3.28-17.fc39               fedora            190 k
 libcanberra-gtk2                  x86_64           0.30-32.fc39               fedora             25 k

Transaction Summary
Install  5 Packages

Total download size: 6.8 M
Installed size: 17 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
                                106% [================================-]  44 kB/s |  32 kB     --:-- ET[MIRROR] adwaita-gtk2-theme-3.28-17.fc39.x86_64.rpm: Curl error (7): Couldn't connect to server for https://cofractal-ewr.mm.fcix.net/fedora/linux/releases/39/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/a/adwaita-gtk2-theme-3.28-17.fc39.x86_64.rpm [Failed to connect to cofractal-ewr.mm.fcix.net port 443 after 1236 ms: Couldn't connect to server]
[MIRROR] gtk2-2.24.33-15.fc39.x86_64.rpm: Curl error (7): Couldn't connect to server for https://cofractal-ewr.mm.fcix.net/fedora/linux/releases/39/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/g/gtk2-2.24.33-15.fc39.x86_64.rpm [Failed to connect to cofractal-ewr.mm.fcix.net port 443 after 1236 ms: Couldn't connect to server]
[MIRROR] highcontrast-icon-theme-3.28-17.fc39.noarch.rpm: Curl error (7): Couldn't connect to server for https://cofractal-ewr.mm.fcix.net/fedora/linux/releases/39/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/h/highcontrast-icon-theme-3.28-17.fc39.noarch.rpm [Failed to connect to cofractal-ewr.mm.fcix.net port 443 after 1236 ms: Couldn't connect to server]
[MIRROR] adwaita-gtk2-theme-3.28-17.fc39.x86_64.rpm: Curl error (7): Couldn't connect to server for http://cofractal-ewr.mm.fcix.net/fedora/linux/releases/39/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/a/adwaita-gtk2-theme-3.28-17.fc39.x86_64.rpm [Failed to connect to cofractal-ewr.mm.fcix.net port 80 after 3132 ms: Couldn't connect to server]
[MIRROR] gtk2-2.24.33-15.fc39.x86_64.rpm: Curl error (7): Couldn't connect to server for http://cofractal-ewr.mm.fcix.net/fedora/linux/releases/39/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/g/gtk2-2.24.33-15.fc39.x86_64.rpm [Failed to connect to cofractal-ewr.mm.fcix.net port 80 after 3130 ms: Couldn't connect to server]
[MIRROR] highcontrast-icon-theme-3.28-17.fc39.noarch.rpm: Curl error (7): Couldn't connect to server for http://cofractal-ewr.mm.fcix.net/fedora/linux/releases/39/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/h/highcontrast-icon-theme-3.28-17.fc39.noarch.rpm [Failed to connect to cofractal-ewr.mm.fcix.net port 80 after 3130 ms: Couldn't connect to server]
(1/5): adwaita-gtk2-theme-3.28-17.fc39.x86_64.rpm                       37 kB/s | 190 kB     00:05    
[MIRROR] libcanberra-gtk2-0.30-32.fc39.x86_64.rpm: Curl error (7): Couldn't connect to server for http://cofractal-ewr.mm.fcix.net/fedora/linux/releases/39/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/l/libcanberra-gtk2-0.30-32.fc39.x86_64.rpm [Failed to connect to cofractal-ewr.mm.fcix.net port 80 after 2340 ms: Couldn't connect to server]
(2/5): highcontrast-icon-theme-3.28-17.fc39.noarch.rpm                 432 kB/s | 3.2 MB     00:07    
(3/5): gtk2-2.24.33-15.fc39.x86_64.rpm                                 442 kB/s | 3.3 MB     00:07    
(4/5): ibus-gtk2-1.5.29-1.fc39.x86_64.rpm                               78 kB/s |  30 kB     00:00    
[MIRROR] libcanberra-gtk2-0.30-32.fc39.x86_64.rpm: Curl error (7): Couldn't connect to server for https://cofractal-ewr.mm.fcix.net/fedora/linux/releases/39/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages/l/libcanberra-gtk2-0.30-32.fc39.x86_64.rpm [Failed to connect to cofractal-ewr.mm.fcix.net port 443 after 3069 ms: Couldn't connect to server]
(5/5): libcanberra-gtk2-0.30-32.fc39.x86_64.rpm                        4.3 kB/s |  25 kB     00:05    
Total                                                                  592 kB/s | 6.8 MB     00:11     
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
  Preparing        :                                                                               1/1 
  Installing       : highcontrast-icon-theme-3.28-17.fc39.noarch                                   1/5 
  Installing       : libcanberra-gtk2-0.30-32.fc39.x86_64                                          2/5 
  Installing       : ibus-gtk2-1.5.29-1.fc39.x86_64                                                3/5 
  Installing       : gtk2-2.24.33-15.fc39.x86_64                                                   4/5 
  Installing       : adwaita-gtk2-theme-3.28-17.fc39.x86_64                                        5/5 
  Running scriptlet: adwaita-gtk2-theme-3.28-17.fc39.x86_64                                        5/5 
  Verifying        : adwaita-gtk2-theme-3.28-17.fc39.x86_64                                        1/5 
  Verifying        : gtk2-2.24.33-15.fc39.x86_64                                                   2/5 
  Verifying        : highcontrast-icon-theme-3.28-17.fc39.noarch                                   3/5 
  Verifying        : libcanberra-gtk2-0.30-32.fc39.x86_64                                          4/5 
  Verifying        : ibus-gtk2-1.5.29-1.fc39.x86_64                                                5/5 

  adwaita-gtk2-theme-3.28-17.fc39.x86_64                   gtk2-2.24.33-15.fc39.x86_64                
  highcontrast-icon-theme-3.28-17.fc39.noarch              ibus-gtk2-1.5.29-1.fc39.x86_64             


Instalar paquete libodbc:

sudo dnf install unixODBC-2.3.11-4.fc39.x86_64.rpm
[sudo] password for user: 
Last metadata expiration check: 0:08:24 ago on Mon 23 Dec 2024 03:13:46 AM EST.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package               Architecture        Version                     Repository                 Size
 unixODBC              x86_64              2.3.11-4.fc39               @commandline              482 k

Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package

Total size: 482 k
Installed size: 1.2 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
  Preparing        :                                                                               1/1 
  Installing       : unixODBC-2.3.11-4.fc39.x86_64                                                 1/1 
  Running scriptlet: unixODBC-2.3.11-4.fc39.x86_64                                                 1/1 
  Verifying        : unixODBC-2.3.11-4.fc39.x86_64                                                 1/1 



Instalar el paquete libproj:

$ sudo dnf install proj-9.2.1-2.fc39.x86_64.rpm 
[sudo] password for joe: 
Last metadata expiration check: 0:16:13 ago on Mon 23 Dec 2024 03:13:46 AM EST.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                   Architecture       Version                   Repository                Size
 proj                      x86_64             9.2.1-2.fc39              @commandline             1.5 M
Installing dependencies:
 proj-data                 noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                   1.3 M
Installing weak dependencies:
 proj-data-at              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                    15 M
 proj-data-au              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                   117 M
 proj-data-be              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                   922 k
 proj-data-br              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                   1.0 M
 proj-data-ca              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                    99 M
 proj-data-ch              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                   2.1 M
 proj-data-de              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                    74 M
 proj-data-dk              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                    13 M
 proj-data-es              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                   1.0 M
 proj-data-eur             noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                   1.0 M
 proj-data-fi              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                    87 k
 proj-data-fo              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                   9.1 k
 proj-data-fr              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                   1.9 M
 proj-data-is              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                   5.3 M
 proj-data-jp              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                   400 k
 proj-data-mx              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                   559 k
 proj-data-nc              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                   1.5 M
 proj-data-nl              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                   856 k
 proj-data-no              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                   4.5 M
 proj-data-nz              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                    13 M
 proj-data-pl              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                   1.3 M
 proj-data-pt              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                   432 k
 proj-data-se              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                   2.2 M
 proj-data-si              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                   151 k
 proj-data-sk              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                   1.2 M
 proj-data-uk              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                   4.7 M
 proj-data-us              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                   318 M
 proj-data-za              noarch             9.2.1-2.fc39              fedora                   303 k

Transaction Summary
Install  30 Packages

Total size: 683 M
Total download size: 682 M
Installed size: 701 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
(1/29): proj-data-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                              1.3 MB/s | 1.3 MB     00:00    
(2/29): proj-data-be-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                           1.7 MB/s | 922 kB     00:00    
(3/29): proj-data-br-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                           1.8 MB/s | 1.0 MB     00:00    
(4/29): proj-data-at-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                           2.8 MB/s |  15 MB     00:05    
(5/29): proj-data-ch-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                           3.3 MB/s | 2.1 MB     00:00    
(6/29): proj-data-de-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                           3.2 MB/s |  74 MB     00:23    
(7/29): proj-data-dk-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                           3.0 MB/s |  13 MB     00:04    
(8/29): proj-data-es-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                           2.5 MB/s | 1.0 MB     00:00    
(9/29): proj-data-au-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                           3.3 MB/s | 117 MB     00:34    
(10/29): proj-data-eur-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                         1.0 MB/s | 1.0 MB     00:00    
(11/29): proj-data-ca-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                          3.0 MB/s |  99 MB     00:33    
(12/29): proj-data-fi-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                          115 kB/s |  87 kB     00:00    
(13/29): proj-data-fo-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                           12 kB/s | 9.1 kB     00:00    
(14/29): proj-data-jp-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                          1.3 MB/s | 400 kB     00:00    
(15/29): proj-data-fr-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                          3.4 MB/s | 1.9 MB     00:00    
(16/29): proj-data-mx-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                          2.0 MB/s | 559 kB     00:00    
(17/29): proj-data-nc-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                          3.0 MB/s | 1.5 MB     00:00    
(18/29): proj-data-nl-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                          1.9 MB/s | 856 kB     00:00    
(19/29): proj-data-is-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                          4.1 MB/s | 5.3 MB     00:01    
(20/29): proj-data-pl-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                          2.3 MB/s | 1.3 MB     00:00    
(21/29): proj-data-no-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                          3.7 MB/s | 4.5 MB     00:01    
(22/29): proj-data-pt-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                          885 kB/s | 432 kB     00:00    
(23/29): proj-data-si-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                          682 kB/s | 151 kB     00:00    
(24/29): proj-data-se-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                          3.3 MB/s | 2.2 MB     00:00    
(25/29): proj-data-sk-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                          3.1 MB/s | 1.2 MB     00:00    
(26/29): proj-data-uk-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                          3.1 MB/s | 4.7 MB     00:01    
(27/29): proj-data-nz-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                          3.7 MB/s |  13 MB     00:03    
(28/29): proj-data-za-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                          780 kB/s | 303 kB     00:00    
(29/29): proj-data-us-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch.rpm                          7.8 MB/s | 318 MB     00:40    
Total                                                                  8.5 MB/s | 682 MB     01:20     
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
  Preparing        :                                                                               1/1 
  Installing       : proj-data-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                                1/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-at-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                             2/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-au-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                             3/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-be-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                             4/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-br-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                             5/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-ca-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                             6/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-ch-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                             7/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-de-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                             8/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-dk-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                             9/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-es-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            10/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-eur-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                           11/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-fi-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            12/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-fo-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            13/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-fr-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            14/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-is-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            15/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-jp-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            16/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-mx-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            17/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-nc-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            18/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-nl-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            19/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-no-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            20/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-nz-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            21/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-pl-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            22/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-pt-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            23/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-se-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            24/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-si-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            25/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-sk-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            26/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-uk-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            27/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-us-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            28/30 
  Installing       : proj-data-za-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            29/30 
  Installing       : proj-9.2.1-2.fc39.x86_64                                                    30/30 
  Running scriptlet: proj-9.2.1-2.fc39.x86_64                                                    30/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                                1/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-at-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                             2/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-au-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                             3/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-be-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                             4/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-br-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                             5/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-ca-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                             6/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-ch-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                             7/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-de-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                             8/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-dk-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                             9/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-es-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            10/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-eur-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                           11/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-fi-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            12/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-fo-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            13/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-fr-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            14/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-is-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            15/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-jp-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            16/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-mx-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            17/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-nc-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            18/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-nl-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            19/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-no-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            20/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-nz-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            21/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-pl-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            22/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-pt-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            23/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-se-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            24/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-si-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            25/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-sk-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            26/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-uk-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            27/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-us-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            28/30 
  Verifying        : proj-data-za-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch                                            29/30 
  Verifying        : proj-9.2.1-2.fc39.x86_64                                                    30/30 

  proj-9.2.1-2.fc39.x86_64         proj-data-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch    proj-data-at-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch 
  proj-data-au-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch proj-data-be-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch proj-data-br-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch 
  proj-data-ca-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch proj-data-ch-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch proj-data-de-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch 
  proj-data-dk-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch proj-data-es-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch proj-data-eur-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch
  proj-data-fi-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch proj-data-fo-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch proj-data-fr-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch 
  proj-data-is-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch proj-data-jp-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch proj-data-mx-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch 
  proj-data-nc-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch proj-data-nl-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch proj-data-no-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch 
  proj-data-nz-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch proj-data-pl-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch proj-data-pt-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch 
  proj-data-se-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch proj-data-si-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch proj-data-sk-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch 
  proj-data-uk-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch proj-data-us-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch proj-data-za-9.2.1-2.fc39.noarch 


Si se instalaron todos los paquetes que son dependencias exitosamente. Finalmente ejecutamos:

$ sudo rpm -i mysql-workbench-community-8.0.38-1.fc39.x86_64.rpm
[sudo] password for user: 
warning: mysql-workbench-community-8.0.38-1.fc39.x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID a8d3785c: NOKEY

Listo. MySQL Workbench instalado exitosamente.

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